
Antigua and Barbuda Maritime Administration audit

Antigua and Barbuda Maritime Administration audit

Today, the audit of the Maritime Administration of Antigua and Barbuda for compliance with the requirements of the Code for Recognized Organizations (RO Code) was completed. It was carried out remotely at the PRS headquarters on February 19-23, 2024. This was the first audit of the Antigua and Barbuda Administration since PRS’ authorization in 2020 and contract renewal in 2023. The audit was completed without any findings and with a positive recommendation to maintain PRS’ authorization to act on behalf of the Maritime Administration of Antigua and Barbuda.

The Administration of Antigua and Barbuda intends to develop cooperation with PRS in connection with the expansion of its fleet and is looking for a meeting with PRS representatives during the Posidonia 2024 International Maritime Fair to discuss this issue further.

There are nearly 1400 ships with over 11 mln GT registered under the Antigua and Barbuda flag. The registry ranks in the top 20 merchant fleets in the world in numerical terms and is well recognized by ship owners, bank institutions financing ships, Port States, Flag States, and IMO. Antigua and Barbuda is on the Paris MoU white flag list which means it is seen as a quality flag.

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