Marine equipment – Directive 2014/90/UE – MED

Directive 2014/90/EU on marine equipment, shortly referred to as MED Directive, is valid from 18 Sept. 2016 and applies to marine equipment, defined in Annex A.1 to the Directive 2015/559, placed onboard new and existing convention ships flying the flag of an European Union member state, when the equipment is placed for the first time or replaced for the new one. 
This directive repeals the directive 96/98/EC. More information you can find in “New MED Directive 2014/90/EU – implemented changes” available in Related documents and informationsection below. 

Manufacturer or its empowered representative in European Union places on the products conforming to MED Directive the conformity mark, so called wheel mark.

Polish Register of Shipping is the sole Polish notified body competent in carrying out procedures of conformity assessment with MED Directive for all types of equipment, defined in Annex to binding Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) – currently no. 2023/1667, for which international examination standards exist. 

The equipment covers 8 groups:  

  1. life-saving appliances,
  2. marine pollution prevention,
  3. fire protection equipment,
  4. navigation equipment,
  5. radiocommunication equipment,
  6. equipment required under COLREG 72,
  7. other safety equipemnt
  8. equipment under SOLAS Chapter II-1. Construction – structure, subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations.

Annex II to the Directive 2014/90/EU specifies conformity assessment procedures that apply to particular items of equipment. Currently, procedures according to modules B+D, B+E, B+F and G are provided. More details as regards conformity procedures are available in Related documents and information section below.

Additional information on certification of marine equipment are available on web page

If you wish to acquire conformity marking for marine equipment you produce or sell, please:

choose the module, i.e. conformity assessment procedure for product certification
send to us completed Application Form for Product Certification (Submitting application is not an obligation to use our services, it is only the basis to prepare our offer for your Company).
In case of any doubts as regards module that shall be applied to certification of your product or to get further information on our services, we invite you to  contact us. We will provide the information and indicate procedures which are obligatory at granting conformity marking.

We ensure reliable and competitive offer as well as efficient and professional service execution.

Materials to download

Certification Division
Products and Persons Certification Bureau
al. gen. Józefa Hallera 126
80-416 Gdańsk, Poland

tel: +48 58 75 11 273
      +48 58 75 11 331

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