Principles for the use of ISPS CODE certification mark

The presented ISPS Code Certification Mark of PRS.:

denotes that ship security system certification has been performed by PRS.

PRS allows the Company to use the Certification Mark on its own documents under the following conditions:

  • the Company may use the mark on receipt of the International Ship Security Certificate;
  • the Company may use the mark in its business, promotion and advertising documents, exclusively in relation to such field of activity which is defined by the scope of the PRS certification;
  • the Company may not alter the original form of the mark, the pattern of which is furnished by PRS;
  • the mark must be used in original colour or in black on the white background.

The pattern of the Certification Mark in black on the white background is attached to the Contract for Certification and Surveillance of the Ship Security. The pattern in original, blue colour may be delivered in a form of a computer file.

Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.
Ship Division
Marine Management Systems Bureau
al. gen. Józefa Hallera 126
80-416 Gdańsk, Poland

tel: +48 58 75 11 188

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