The scope and procedure for the survey of new construction, modification and/or reconstruction is specified in PRS Supervision Activity Regulations.
The survey is undertaken by PRS under a contract and performed in accordance with the relevant PRS regulations as well as approved and/or acknowledged documentation.
Classification survey is conducted in accordance with PRS Rules for the Classification and Construction applicable to a particular vessel.
The rules also take into account the requirements of conventions relevant to the construction and equipment of vessels in the scope considered by PRS as necessary for the class assignment.
Compliance of vessels and refrigerating plants with the regulatory requirements is confirmed by such documents as:
– Certificate of Class or Temporary Certificate of Class,
– Machinery Certificate or Temporary Machinery Certificate,
– Certificate of Class for Refrigerating Plant or Temporary Certificate of Class for Refrigerating Plant.
Statutory survey is conducted in accordance with conventions, codes and other documents and standards in force, as well as additional requirements of the Flag State.
To make it convenient to the customers to adjust their vessels and equipment to the international requirements so that they comply with the international requirements, PRS develops and publishes the Rules for Statutory Survey of Sea-going Ships; these Rules contain current requirements and/or guidelines on: the principles of survey, rescue equipment, signalling equipment, radio equipment, navigational aids, lifting appliances, fishing equipment, fire equipment, environmental protection equipment, ship tonnage measurement.
Depending on the scope of authorization granted to PRS by Flag State Administration, PRS issues the vessels with the following certificates:
– final documents (mainly in the form of Certificate) necessary for the vessel service to be permitted by competent authorities, or
– intermediate documents (in the form of inspection or test reports) which prepare ground for Flag State Administration for issuing final or interim documents.
PRS may also undertake to carry out technical survey of vessels under construction, modification, reconstruction or repair which are not subject to the corporate regulatory requirements. Upon the ship operator’s request, PRS also performs technical survey in the contractual scope. As a result of the survey carried out, PRS issues the Certificate of Fitness for Sailing or other document indicated in the contract.
Prior to the commencement of construction, reconstruction or major modification of a vessel and before the commencement of production of materials and products to be surveyed by PRS, relevant documentation needs to be submitted to PRS in the prescribed scope.
In each case it is condition to provide PRS with the technical description and the General Arrangement Plan of the vessel which is to be constructed, modified or reconstructed.
For information regarding the required documentation related to the survey of new construction, modification and/or reconstruction contact the department competent to deal with a particular vessel’s case (all the contact details are avaliable here):
– sea-going ships – Sea-going Ships Survey Department,
– inland waterways vessels, yachts and motor boats – Inland Waterways Vessels, Yachts and Boats Survey Department,
– floating docks – Hull and Technology Department,
– mobile offshore drilling units – Sea-going Ships Survey Department,
– submersibles – Machinery and Equipment Department, Hull and Technology Department.
PRS begins to render its services after the contract has been concluded.

Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.
Ship Division
Sea-Going Ships Survey Department
al. gen. Józefa Hallera 126
80-416 Gdańsk, Poland
tel: +48 58 75 11 148