PRS offers a wide variety of services in relation to naval and special purpose objects.
Our offer covers:
- classification and statutory survey services;
- certification services;
- approval of materials and products, approval of firms;
- technical expertise;
- expert evaluation of standards and normative acts on naval ships and other naval technical issues;
- training sessions on design, construction, survey, trials and classification of naval ships and equipment;
- supervising scrapping of naval and special purpose ships.
PRS considers and approves documentation for:
- transportation of special purpose cargo;
- transportation of dangerous and noxious goods;
- arrangement and lashing of special cargo, such as weapons
and other special purpose cargo; - crew accommodations and special spaces according to the client’s needs;
- launching and unloading equipment for amphibious operations,
both in harbour and offshore.
PRS offer applies to:
- naval ships, including combat ships, auxiliary vessels, special objects with equipment and technical infrastructure, including ship aviation and cargo handling facilities, except weapons and command systems;
- diving equipment, systems and devices, including decompression chambers of different type and purpose, diving bells;
- submersibles together with their equipment and infrastructure;
- marine transport systems, including special purpose containers;
- rescue and life-saving appliances, including underwater rescue equipment (e.g. submarine rescue systems);
- new design energy and propulsion systems;
- special energy sources, including fuel cells;
- materials and equipment for naval and special purpose craft;
- onshore and underwater objects, including underwater installations;
- industrial plants, special buildings, roads.
Classification survey of a naval ship or a small craft is carried out for compliance with Rules for the Classification and Construction of Naval Ships, whereas the survey of special units and objects is performed for compliance with other applicable PRS Rules.
PRS develops the rules, procedures and publications in close cooperation with the Polish Navy, Polish Border Guard and other structures of Ministry of National Defence and Ministry of Interior.
Additional technical requirements, if specified in the documentation for construction, conversion or reconstruction of a naval ship or special unit or object, are taken into account during approval of documentation and survey for compliance with the applicable standards.
Statutory survey is carried out for compliance with the provisions of international Conventions and Codes, such as SOLAS, COLREG, LOAD LINE, TONNAGE MEASUREMENT, MARPOL, ILO, EU guidelines and directives and Flag States regulations.
PRS also approves documentation for compliance with military standards (e.g. defence standards, NATO normative acts) referred to in technical/tactical requirements for naval and special purpose craft.
PRS carries out survey of naval craft in full scope or in scope limited to a specified area.
Depending on the scope of accreditation granted by a Flag State Administration or the Navy, PRS issues:
- final documents (in the form of certificate or other) necessary for the vessel service to be permitted by competent authorities, or
- intermediate documents (in the form of inspection or test reports) which prepare the ground for Flag State Administration for issuing final documents.
PRS certifies:
- marine environment protection facilities;
- life-saving appliances;
- radio, signal and navigation equipment;
- fire protection equipment;
- special purpose equipment;
- hoisting equipment;
- ship aviation facilities and VERTREP;
- sea cargo handling systems; and
- other devices submitted for certification and survey by the Navy.
PRS also performs technical supervision over floating objects under construction, modernization, conversion, reconstruction or repair, which are not subject to PRS Rules.
At the request of the Operator, PRS may carry out technical supervision over such object according to the contract. Upon the completion of the technical survey, PRS issues the Certificate of Fitness for Sailing or other document specified in the contract.
We operate in accordance with a certified quality management system and AQAP 2130. NCAGE Code No. 0654H held by PRS singles out our organization in the NATO Codification System.
PRS is qualified to undertake tasks subject to the provisions of Law on protection of classified information.
Please contact PRS Department of Naval Ships (e-mail:; tel.: +48 58 751 11 36; fax: +48 58 346 03 94) or the nearest PRS Branch Office for all the necessary information and then fill in and send to PRS the Application for Classification and Statutory Services.
PRS supervision over naval ship brings the following operating and financial benefits:
- the ship is issued with mandatory classification documents allowing to enter harbours, pass through canals, restricted water areas, etc.
- the ship complies with applicable international standards and regulations, including provisions of IMO Conventions, which is confirmed with PRS Certificates. This allows the vessel to operate on international and allies’ waters. Preparation and issue of valid TM or canal certificates do not incur time and high costs.
- In order to issue PRS Test Certificate for the equipment, PRS witnesses tests at the manufacturer’s premises. PRS guarantees that you will receive complete documentation covering design, selection, workmanship, tests, manufacture of components and complete equipment.
- PRS supervision of the naval ship allows for considerable discounts and good insurance rates, when the vessel and crew need to be insured for the mission, especially abroad.
- You will receive more money, if you sell a decommissioned ship, supervised and classed with a Classification Society.

Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.
Ship Division
Naval Ships Survey Department
al. gen. Józefa Hallera 126
80-416 Gdańsk, Poland
tel: +48 58 75 11 136