Independent supervision by a third party (Consultant, Engineer/Independent Engineer)
The PRS S.A. performed surveys are executed as investor’s supervision or independent engineer supervision, in accordance with the requirements of construction law and valid national and international standards, including the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) regulations.
Upon completion of final acceptance inspections of new investments with positive result, PRS issues Certificate of conformity and Safety certificate which confirm the executed project compliance with technical documentation, the requirements of respective standards and valid law regulations, as well as that the object may be safely operated in accordance with defined design conditions. The certificates may serve the investor to receive authorization to operate the object and to gain insurance discounts.
The PRS offer covers audit and verification of technical documentation during design, consulting and approval, technical and investor’s supervision of the construction, and final acceptance, together with the issue of Certificates of conformity and Safety certificates.
The PRS supervision ensures project realization in accordance with:
- design and workshop documentation, and building permits,
- technical conditions for manufacture and acceptance,
- technical conditions and specifications for machinery and materials delivery,
- respective Polish rules and regulations,
- the Quality Assurance Plan, the Inspection and Testing Plan, as well as instructions and procedures required by the Customer.
The investor’s supervision covers in particular:
- Assessment of documents prepared by the investment Executor: the Health and Safety Plan, the Quality Assurance Plan, the Inspection and Testing Plan, the investment schedules;
- Agreement of design, workshop and technological documentation, taking particularly into account technologies (including assembly, welding, NDT, anti-corrosion protection), tests and inspections, etc.;
- Supervision of investment execution conformity with design, building permits, decisions of other bodies, technical knowledge and valid law regulations within the order subject – floating terminal for loading/unloading tankers, LNG decompression station, underwater and shore-based assembly of high-pressure pipelines and other systems, together with underground gas storage caverns;
- Inspection of the amount and quality of completed works, confirmation of actually completed works and of defects removal, confirmation of periodical material and financial settlements prepared by the investment Executor;
- Acceptance of construction works to be covered or concealed and, with Orderer participation and acceptance, partial and final acceptance inspections;
- Technical acceptance inspections and supervision of materials and machinery delivery on building site or at the Supplier, within the scope defined in Quality Assurance Plan;
- Acceptance of thermal insulation;
- Supervision of installation of cathodic protection of the investment, including cathodic protection station;
- Performance of examinations and tests of cathodic protection system;
- Assessment of proposed design alterations and changes to investment schedule;
- Control of construction and commissioning processes, considering the environment protection requirements;
- Supervision of tests and run tests;
- Verification and assessment of „as-built” documentation;
- Transfer to the Orderer, in agreed format and time-period, supervision activities reports.
Polski Rejestr Statków issues the Certificate of conformity and Safety certificate, after the constructed object fulfils the required certificate issue conditions.
Polski Rejestr Statków posesses all qualifications and authorizations required for the project realization, and maintains full set of rules, instructions and technologies needed for conducting acceptance inspections and has appropriate technical and personnel potential.
Polski Rejestr Statków gained experience in supervision of land-based investments during e.g.:
1. Continuous survey works over Lotos Petrobaltic S.A. objects:
- Baltic Beta and Petrobaltic drilling platforms,
- Unmanned wellhead platform PG-1.
2. Works at the construction of complete industrial objects:
Five gas booster stations on the transit pipeline Yamal – West Europe, together with technical infrastructure, including buildings, gas compression units, generating sets, boiler rooms, measuring-reduction stations and other installations,
3. Gas compression stations onboard the Baltic Beta drilling platform,
4. Pomeranian gas pipeline section from the Baltic Beta platform to Władysławowo,
5. High pressure 21.59 km gas pipeline DN 300 mm section Nowe Borowe – Szczytno,
6. Bridges, motorways, national roads and city streets, including inter alia:
- A-1 motorway, section Gdańsk – Toruń,
- National road No. 1, section Pruszcz Gdański – Pszczółki,
- Pelplin bypass (regional road No. 229),
- Karczemki road junction on the Tri-City Bypass,
- Footbridge over the railway and city road in Gdynia.
7. Large volume objects, together with complete technical infrastructure, such as:
- Trolleybus depot in Gdynia, together with 10.6 km overhead contact line,
- The seat of the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN) in Sopot, extended by laboratory and didactic part.
8. At the above realizations, PRS exercised complex investor’s supervision within all construction branches.
Within the framework of ordered investor’s supervision, PRS S.A. conducted technical and organizational supervision, represented the investor in relation to other participants to the investment and administrative bodies, and performed, during and upon completion of investment execution, material and financial settlements for performed tasks. Upon completion of investment execution, PRS exercises supervision of constructed objects for a period of Executor’s guarantee.
In the years 2013 – 2016, PRS S.A. as a Third Party fulfilled the function of expert’s supervision in the form of an audit of documentation prepared during execution of General Contractor Agreement “Crude Oil Terminal in Gdańsk”. PERN „Przyjaźń” S.A. seated in Płock is the investor of this project.
In 2017, Polski Rejestr Statków S.A., at the request of PERN S.A. Płock, performed the assessment of technical state of a dozen of fuel depots owned by OLPP Company ltd seated in Płock.

Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.
Industrial Supervision Division
al. gen. Józefa Hallera 126
80-416 Gdańsk, Poland
tel: +48 58 75 11 137