Greenhouse gases emitted by human activity cause Earth warming and climate changes with increasingly severe human, economic and environmental impacts. The European Union’s Emissions Trading System has been established to combat climate changes and reduce certain greanhouse gas emissions. This system, functioning since 2005 in the EU, shall motivate to reduction of gas emissions. It works on limits of total gas emissions assigned to EU memeber counties and then divided among operators of installations emitting GHG. The limits are reduced each year to force actions on constant decrease of emissions. Within the established limits, companies may buy or sell emission allowances, as needed. Emission allowances are „the currency” of the EU Emissions Trading System.
The principles of the system for greenhouse gas emission allowances trading were defined in the Directive 2003/87/EC of European Parliament and the Council adopted on 13 October 2003, establishing the system for trading of greenhouse gas emission allowances within the Community, and amended by the Directive 2004/101/EC of 27.10.2004 and Directive 2009/29/EC of 23.04.2009.
Reporting gas emissions in the third trading period (2013-2020) is settled in:
- EU Commission Regulations No. 600/2012 on the verification of greenhouse gas emission reports and tonne-kilometre reports and the accreditation of verifiers pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L181/1 of 12.07.2012) and
- EU Commission Regulations No. 601/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 181/30 of 12.07.2012).
The system for trading greenhouse gas emission allowances covers emission from installations which emit such greenhouse gases and whose production capacity meets the assumed threshold value. The operator of the installation which is included in the EU ETS system is obliged to:
- prepare the monitoring plan for emission, which is subject to approval, and
- until 31 March of each year, submit an annual emission report that covers the emissions from the previous year.
In accordance with valid regulations, information included in annual reports on greenhouse gas emissions are subject to verification for their conformity with factual state. The verification may be carried out by the authorized bodies – in Poland the bodies accredited in accordance with the provision of the act of 30 August 2002 on conformity assessment system.
Applying EU legal acts are published at the KOBIZE (Krajowy Ośrodek Bilansowania i Zarządzania Emisjami) website: (in Polish).
Product Certification Bureau of the Polish Register of Shipping is an accredited GHG verifier (accreditation No. PL-VG-0013) in scope of:
- energy business,
- production of iron and steel,
- mineral industry.
We carry out verification on the territory of Poland upon accreditation scope of a verifier for annual reports on greenhouse gas emissions.
Verifications of annual reports on greenhouse gas emissions take into account requirements of national and European regulations, as well as international standards. They are carried out by the competent personnel having adequate competences. The principles of verification of annual greenhouse gas emission reports conducted by PRS Product Certification Bureau you can find below in the section Related documents and information.
We invite you to check our offer for verification of annual GHG emission reports. To do so please send us the completed Application for verification of annual greenhouse gas emission report (Submitting application is not an obligation to use our services, it is only the basis to prepare an offer for your Company).
In case of any doubts or to obtain more information on our services, you are welcomed to contact us by phone or email.
We ensure reliable and competitive offer and efficiently and professionally executed service.

Certification Division
Products and Persons Certification Bureau
al. gen. Józefa Hallera 126
80-416 Gdańsk, Poland
tel: +48 58 75 11 273