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Quality policy


The activity of Polski Rejestr Statków S.A. is aimed at ensuring the safety of life and property at sea and on inland waterways, the safety of civil engineering structures, engineering systems, industrial installations and devices, as well as protection of the natural environment.

The quality policy is accomplished by implementing strategic quality objectives covering:

  • formulation and development of Rules which provide the necessary safety level, the natural environment protection and enable application of best available technologies and operational solutions,
  • providing supervision to ensure that objects covered by the supervision meet the requirements of relevant PRS Rules, international conventions, national regulations, as well as technical standards and customer requirements,
  • strengthening PRS brand and standing on the Polish and international market through, among others, membership in international organizations, maintaining relevant authorizations, recognition and certification,
  • extending the scope of the rendered services and developing existing competencies,
  • obtaining highly qualified employees and material means enabling provision of services at the required quality level,
  • continual upgrading of service quality through improvement of the Rules, supervision procedures and personnel training,
  • implementing innovative solutions for shipping industry,
  • maintaining and continual improvement of the implemented quality management system.

Furthermore, in order to realize the Quality Policy, specific performance targets are defined for particular processes.

Management Board of Polski Rejestr Statków S.A. is committed to providing the necessary resources to implement the Quality Policy.

The responsibility for accomplishing approved quality objectives lies with all staff of Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.


For Management Board of

Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.

Grzegorz Pettke