Polish Register Shipping develops and issues the Rules for the Classification and Construction for different kinds of floating units and, if necessary, appropriate Statutory Rules for Sea-going Ships.
Supervision activity regulations
Set of information specifying the object, types and method of conducting supervision, the principles of PRS conduct and cooperation with clients, the requirements and documentation based on which supervision is carried out and teh documents issued as a result of supervision
Rules for the Classification and Construction
Sets of mandatory requirements, mainly technical, that must be met by the object of supervision at the stage of construction and subsequent operation in order to be assigned and maintained a specific symbol of class
Rules for statutory survey of sea-going ships
Sets of mandatory technical and/or procedural requirements of the IMO Conventions and the related guidelines and interpretations that a ship must meet in order to be issued, endorsed or renewed a specific convention certificate
Registers of ships, yachts and motor boats
Contains information about watercrafts classed by PRS
Publications P (rule)
Sets of mandatory technical and/or procedural requirements supplementing or extending the Rules for Classification and Construction in which they are referred to
Publications I (informative)
Sets of guidelines, recommendations and information that may be useful for companies cooperating with PRS