Recycling of ships – IHM

Verification of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials

PRS offers a service to verify the Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) including documentation verification, inspection and issuing of an inventory certificate / compliance certificate.

We remind you: From December 31, 2020, the next part of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 1257/2013 of November 20, 2013 on ship recycling imposing the obligation to have an up-to-date and verified Part I Inventory of Hazardous Materials on board on vessels of EU countries or vessels operating in its territory.

The obligation to prepare the Inventory rests with shipyards in the case of new ships or with shipowners in the case of ships in service.

In the case of ships sent for recycling, we offer a final inspection with a certificate of readiness for recycling. Inquiries should be directed to

Recognition for companies providing services in the field of ship recycling

PRS offers an approval procedure for companies providing services in the field of ship recycling, especially firms preparing Inventory of Hazardous Materials, HazMat Experts and laboratories.

The approval procedure includes document verification, service provider inspection and PRS Approval Certificate. For your maximum convenience, the procedures and acceptance criteria for approval of service suppliers are described in our Rules – Publication 56/P.

We encourage all companies providing services in the ship recycling sector to apply for recognition certificates issued by PRS – please contact us at

To support customers in adapting to the above mentioned requirements, PRS has launched a dedicated application for the preparation and dispatch of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials, Part I. Access to the application is prepared for all customers along with the signing of the IHM verification contract.

The PRS application allows the user to conveniently and quickly enter the data necessary to develop IHM. Ready-to-fill forms facilitate the preparation of the IHMs and their subsequent management. The shipowner provides data in an orderly manner and to the required extent – all the necessary information is gathered in one place. By adding individual units, a comprehensive database of documentation related to IHM is created. Thanks to the application, the IHM verification process is much shorter, and following its instructions ensures the preparation of a complete IHM in compliance with the requirements of the Regulation, IMO guidelines and the Hong Kong Convention.

For IHMs transferred via our Application, we offer faster verification with a guarantee to keep the deadline specified in the Regulation. Orderly and exhaustive information facilitates the identification of hazardous materials on the ship by the inspector and allows to shorten the PRS inspection time – in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, personal contacts are not recommended, and if they must occur – let’s make sure that they are as short and as safe as possible.

All necessary information on IHM lists and verification can be obtained at:

PRS also carries out certification of recycling facilities and shipyards that would like to be included in the European List of Ship Recycling Facilities. More information:

Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.
Ship Surveys Division
Hull and Technology Department
al. gen. Józefa Hallera 126
80-416 Gdańsk

tel: +48 58 75 11 220
+48 58 75 11 127

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