Examination of welders

A welder is granted PRS qualifications after a positive verification of his/her practical skills and job knowledge.

Examination of welders for granting PRS qualifications takes place under direct supervision of PRS Surveyor. Qualification tests of welders are organized at the Client’s request – on the welding site of a firm requesting a test or in centres/firms prepared for that purpose.

An approved welder is granted Welder’s Qualification Test Certificate. The qualifications are valid for two/three years.

The top management is aware of the value of impartiality in certification activity and is obliged to manage conflicts of interests and to maintain impartiality in the welders’ certification.

The procedure of welders’ examination is presented in PRS Publication No 30/P – Principles for Certification of Welders. This publication is available under the bookmark PRS Rules and Publications > Publications P.

Current list of welders with PRS qualifications

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